Let those who have ears ‘hear'...
Welcome to this page and I invite you to join a movement that sounds like your favorite story. This is a story that can be remembered through an honest inside quest to remember the forgotten Lyrics. The feeling of remembrance will move your spirit from the inside out. The melody sounds so familiar that hopefully you will be driven to truly understand the song, which has escaped us for so long.
-Mr. Nobody- has transformed into now... PNEUMA-YOD.
If you enjoyed Mr. Nobody's music then I truly hope you will enjoy PNEUMA-YOD. Some of Mr. Nobody's music will be reworked into PNEUMA-YOD's vibration. All of the music to come will be put into sample form here, so you can hear the latest. If you have any feedback on the music please contact: PNEUMA-YOD
I created this music over the last six years as a collection of my Journey and quest to understanding the path of spiritual enlightenment. Within each song is Knowledge and Ancient wisdom that helped me and I hope might help you along your path to spiritual discernment.
It is my wish to make this music available for download for all who visit my site. The Sanctuary of The Divine Plan is the Know Thyself Initiative (KTI) housed in the Triple7Center. With out the Ancient knowledge and wisdom that resides within that Sanctuary my music would not have been possible. Help move this Sanctuary, brought forth by The I.D.E.A. Foundation, to the forefront of Humanity.